Interactivity in Media
Plan/What I've been asked to do
For this interactive project I will research interactivity in media and new different interactive media. Once I have researched different interactive media I will try and find out ways I could add different interactive media to my WIX which will hopefully engage and entertain who ever is reading my WIX. I will not just be using interactive media I have researched I will also use interactive media that I've found out about on WIX during this project.
I would like to add some sort of thing to make things easier to find, I would also like to add links into my work such as my social media links so people can click that and it will take them to my Instagram account or show work that I have posted on there.
How will research into interactivity in media help me make my WIX?
Research into interactivity in media will help me make my WIX as I will discover what things will improve my WIX in how professional it looks and what things make it more interactive making it cross-platform, having links to websites and making stuff easily accessible.
I will also discover stuff that will not improve my WIX and will make it worse, this could be stuff that just doesn't work or doesn't work well with my WIX, things that make it look unprofessional, etc.
How will developing a cross-platform presence help me long term as a media producer?
Developing a cross-platform presence will help in long term as a media producer as I will have a wider range of my work for people to see easily accessible from one place. This means that anyone who is looking to possibly employ me doesn't have to spend ages looking for my work in different places as they'd be able to find it all or a lot of it all in one place.
UX Apprentice
Learn the Logic
Dig Deep
Stakeholder Interviews – Interview stakeholders
Customer Research – Find out about customers by using different techniques including: story mapping, tasks, participation, demonstration, role playing, exercises, homework, logging, stimuli.
Build Consensus
Customer Journey Maps – Helps illustrate a path of your customers current path with your product or service.
Alignment Meeting – Will uncover opportunities to improve your customer’s experience. The outcomes should be prioritised personas, design principles, and project objectives.
See real life examples
Quick & Dirty Research – Get current analytics and then sketch up a journey map and the personas
The Map Leads the Way – Build a map and this will help you know where to go
Test your knowledge
Test yourself
Access resources
Learn the Logic
UX, not UI
Finding the Kick Ass Approach - Get your team together to brainstorm with strategies, ideas, solutions, etc and don't rule anything out because it is too expensive or infeasible.
Story boarding - Story boards are useful as they are often easy to understand, you don't need to be artistic you can just draw stick figures and they give you a good understanding about your product and the consumer using it. They are also a quick way to get feedback on ideas.
Test Early & Often - Validate the story boards with your consumers and they'll tell you if you're right or not.
Conceptual Designs
Draw from Experience - Get inspiration from other products that are similar to yours but also take inspiration from outside the industry. Draw six to eight concepts in 5 minutes, then pitch and critique. At the end, narrow it down to 2-3 concepts for testing.
Prototype & Test - You can make very cheap basic prototypes out of paper or cardboard. You can also make digital versions. The conceptual designs. should focus on flow, not on specific UI controls. You can use your best story board as a script for testing out the concepts.
Site Map (alpha) - Once you get a solid concept designed, you can start the site map.
See Real Life Examples
A New Model?
See it in action - First reviews from stakeholders, then user validation. Set the stage with the common scenario, then show customers various concepts to see which worked well with the customers.
Fast Feedback - Getting fast feedback means you can find out fast what you need to change or improve.
Sticky Map - Come up with ideas that will be useful with sticky notes and make a sort of mind map with them.
Test Your Knowledge
Access Resources
Learn the Logic
Mock It Up - Wireframes are big time savers and they allow you to hash out the details of the page layout and interaction design before moving into high fidelity designs and development.
Walk Before You Run - Learn and research about what you need to do before you do it.
Adding Interactions - Prototyping is used to communicate the intent of a design both clearly and effectively. Prototyping helps you see or get a good idea of design ideas, gather real-time feedback from users/consumers as people are actually trying your product and test assumptions.
Testing Tools- If your consumers aren't local you can use remote testing tools so you can still get feedback from consumers that are far away.
Learn & Iterate - Make sure you start up well like getting fast feedback to avoid going wrong later on or just going down the wrong path completely.
The Centerline - Start with internal reviews to make sure the designs are meeting the business objectives, then validate with your users to see if they think it's right. Start working with the development team if you haven't already as they can help steer you in the right direction and see if things are too expensive or infeasible.
Handoff? - There is no handoff to an unwitting development team, or a tricky political situation to get sign off from the higher ups. By pulling in your stakeholders early and focusing the team on the right outcomes, you already have alignment. By collaborating with key contributors early on, it will make the development process and the release process a lot easier.
Launch - When you've launched you'll be collecting customer feedback, evaluating the analytics, maybe even some A/B testing. From this you can improve your product.
See Real Life Examples
Getting Digital - Use online and/or digital resources to create your wire frames
Prototype & Test - Create an actual prototype and not some sort of paper or cheap prototype, this prototype needs to be a proper one that if it goes well will be very similar to the final product if not the final product.
Final - This is the final product that will be launched.
Test Your Knowledge
Access Resources
Interactive Product Research
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality is a very interactive and immersive experience. There are a lot of VR games where you can interact with objects or items in the games, however you have to have controllers to interact in these games because otherwise how would it tell where you hands are. As you're holding the controller the VR registers where they are therefore where your hands are meaning you can press the buttons on the contoller and the game or VR software will regitser this as an action, with the Tilt Brush this would be painting, in a game this would be picking up an object for example in a horror game this could be a torch and then another button could turn it on.
Using VR you can get a virtual view of things including new designs of cars for example and people will use this in meetings or even at events where a company is showing off their new product.
Tilt Brush
The Tilt Brush is a new interactive virtual reality device by Google. It is basically a paintbrush however you can paint in 3D.
This could revolutionise design as it would give you a better insight into what a product could or will look like for example a car as you can add virtual models of things into this. This product is incredibly interactive as you can probably interact with the art and you can interact with all the different tools too create the art.
Theme parks are taking VR to the next level with VR
headsets on roller coasters. An example of this is the
worlds first VR roller coaster Galactica (originally Air) at
Alton Towers.
Bad interactivity
This is actually an example of bad interactivity because although it wasn't actually bad, Alton towers have actually removed the VR element as it didn't do very well and to most people the ride experience is more enjoyable without VR.
Derren Browns Ghost Train at Thorpe Park has completely changed the original idea of the ghost train and added VR so it's as if the monsters are actually there and you're on the train with them. A bad thing about it however, is that the VR isn't always reliable as it often doesn't work properly.
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where objects are sort of added in. For example if you used an AR game on your phone then it would use the camera and then adds interactive objects into the screen. It is the same if you use AR goggles or glasses as you will see what you normally see, yet there will be interactive things added in like a character or an item you can pick up like a football. A game which did well using this is Pokemon Go.
Pokémon Go is an app that combines the classic Pokémon game with the real world. Anyone who has a device that has an AR ability can see the Pokémon's anywhere such as a park or just in the the street. You can throw a Pokeball at the Pokémon to catch it as if the Pokémon is really there. This game did incredibly well and even a few years after it first came out many people still play it.
Augmented reality can help designers in designing their
products as they get to see what something would look
like in or on their product. It's also useful for engineers
as, if they're trying to fix something then they can use AR
to help them see where something needs to go or if it
will fit for example. It can even point out what part of
something has an issue.
AR can also be used in meetings like VR as people, for example, can look at an iPad and using that can view something on a desk, this probably gets used more in meetings than VR.
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines not humans or living creature's.
Self driving cars are AI as they have the intelligence to self drive and self park. Drones also have central intelligence as they can stay still even when there's wind with the press of a button, they can also fly back to the controller by itself if it's got low battery or again with the press of a button.
Smart phones are and have AI as they have features such as "SIRI" and "Hey Google" where they will respond to what you say and will come up with internet searches for questions you ask.
Smart home devices such as the Google Home and the Amazon Echo are also AI as they work in very similar ways to SIRI, you can basically control your home from these devices, you can also get them to play things such as videos and music.
With self-driving cars they could be bad because if you're not paying attention then the car could crash or even hit someone however, these cars will most likely crash a lot less and hit a lot less people than if a person was driving so they are also good in this case.
AI is also helping to monitor endangered species and Microsoft has very recently started doing this, so this proves AI can be incredibly good. They are us using AI to scan photos for snow leopards from cameras set up in the mountains. This mean they can get 10 days human work done in 10 minutes.
How is AI used in Video Games?
AI is used in video games most commonly to control non-player characters (NPCs), these characters are the characters in the game that are not controlled by players. The AI for these characters generate responsive, adaptive or intelligent behaviour.
AI is also used to control the weather in games or to start and stop music.
AI can also data mine which is when the game takes your data like what you do most in the game to tune it to your behaviour and data.
Final Evaluation
For this project I was asked to make my WIX more interactive and research interactivity in media.
What have I added to my WIX during this interactive project?
I have added anchors and anchor menu's so it's easier to find specific parts on some of the page, by clicking on the anchor menu and choosing an anchor to go to, it will take you down or up the page to that specific anchor. I have also added social media links to my College Instagram, on my homepage my Instagram appears with the media on there and on the footer there is also a link to my College Instagram. I have added animations to page so when you scroll down the page the writing and photos fade in. I added websites which you can look at while still on this WIX site. I've also added a search bar however, for some reason it doesn't work very well and I cant find a way to figure it out.
To shorten that down I've added:
Websites/Website Links
Instagram/Instagram Links
Anchor menu's
Animations for text and images when they appear
A search bar
What can be improved?
I think I could maybe have tried to have found out more about VR, AR and AI as although I have written about them, what they are and gave examples, I think I could have written a bit more about them especially AI.
I also could have tried to find more ways of making my WIX more interactive however, I do think I have a decent amount of interactive features on my WIX.
What is most successful?
I think the websites that have been embedded are one of the most successful things as they show what I am talking about and can help other people understand what I'm talking about more.
I also think that the anchors are very successful as they make it a lot easier to find things on the pages especially the long ones as you don't want to be scrolling for ages just to find one thing especially if you don't know where it is on the page. The anchors make finding things easy and easily accessible.
Peer Feedback
The peer feedback I got was to complete the section on AI as I hadn't done it and the other bit of peer feedback I got was to change the background.
From this I completed the AI section and changed the background.
How effectively have you added interactive elements to my WIX?
I think that I have quite effectively added interactive elements to my WIX especially as most of them aren't pointless except the search bar is quite pointless as it does not work properly.
The animations aren't really interactive however they create quite a professional effect.
Most of the interactive elements work effectively such as the social media links and websites as they make it cross-platform.
They make my WIX seem more professional and make things easily accessible.
How have I been influenced by research into other websites and interactive products?
I have been influenced by research into other websites and interactive products by how professional they look and by the fact most professional websites have links to other places on the website or another site altogether, they also have buttons on their websites and anchors. This inspired me as I want to make my WIX look more professional.
I wasn't really inspired by any products as I cant really use VR, AR or AI on my WIX.
How will making the WIX cross-platform enable me to reach a wider audience?
Making the WIX cross-platform will enable me to reach a wider audience as people will be able to access other sites all from one place. People will also be able to find my work easier as it is on more than one site. As I am displaying my work in more than one place this gives me the opportunity to reach further into a wider audience and more communities.